Thursday, May 26, 2011


Calcium is a mineral that is essential in helping the growth of teeth and bone .In addition, calcium is also useful to regulate heartbeat, do implus nerves, stimulates the secretion of hormones, blood clotting, and prevent osteoporosis.
Calcium can be found in various foods, such as in a variety of dairy products, grains, green vegetables, salmon, sardines, shellfish, soybeans, sunflower seeds, walnuts, oranges and many more. Adequate calcium intake is important, because the body loses calcium every day through the skin, nails, hair and sweat, as well as through urine and feces. Therefore, the dirt that is lost should always be replaced. If not, the body takes calcium from the bones to perform other functions, thus making the bones become weaker (osteoporosis).
Calcium supplements are recommended if you are unable to meet daily calcium needs through food .Typically 1000 mg of calcium enough for adults up to age 50 years .After the age of 50 years , we need extra calcium 200 mg to slow the loss of bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis .Several studies have shown that adequate calcium intake may also reduce obesity , reduce the risk of colon cancer , as well as reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the blood .
In addition to physical health , calcium supplements can also protect your skin .
This supplement will help merevitalisaikan dull skin , tired and stained .Calcium is essential for cell turnover that is stimulated by the enzyme protein kinase C , so the skin becomes more soft and fresh .High levels of calcium in epidermal tissue serves as a protective layer ( antioxidants ) of various free radicals .Antioxidants are very important for the rejuvenation of the skin , and prevent DNA damage that can affect the skin texture .
Calcium supplements also will minimize the damage to collagen and elastin as well as all the other skin components .Recommended for you who have dry skin types to consume dietary supplements containing calcium , because it is very effective to reduce dryness and keep skin hydrated .
Some calcium supplements can cause side effects such as constipation .In addition , people who consume a blood pressure medication and antibiotics , should avoid the consumption of calcium supplements because it will slow the absorption of these drugs .Likewise with prostrat cancer patients .The researchers found that women aged 40 years and over who take calcium supplements to prevent osteoporosis are at high risk of cardiovascular disease than women who get their daily calcium needs from diet rich in calcium .


A study showed that calcium supplementation is estimated to increase vascular events in older women. This finding is somewhat unexpected, because previous studies showed that calcium supplements can improve blood cholesterol levels. It tells the dr.Ian R Reid ( - University of Auckland , New Zealand ).
It is certainly very surprising, because the market for calcium supplements to reach 3 billion dollars each year. A study conducted by dr. Mark J Bolland (University of Auckland, New Zealand) and colleagues, aimed to determine the effect of calcium supplementation on bone density. Since the beginning of the study predicted that calcium can prevent heart attacks. But it is surprising that not see a decrease, but increased incidence of heart attacks. The result seems quite robust. Of the 3 previous studies, including one from the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) in the United States, showed that no significant improvement in decreasing the incidence of heart attack after the administration of calcium supplements, on the contrary there is an increasing risk
Many scientists say that it is still too early to give a statement about this. Judy O'Sullivan, a spokesman than the British Heart Foundation said that research should be done more aggressively, before a conclusion about calcium supplements. Any person who has given suplenmen calcium by a physician to provide protection to bones are encouraged to continue taking calcium supplements and do not stop himself supplementation without first consulting a physician .

The Results:
The incidence of IM , stroke , and combined end points are more common in the group given calcium
However, if the incidence rate was hospitalized in New Zealand from the national data centers that are not reported to also be added , relative risk incidence of IM was 1.49 ( p = 0.16 ) and relative risk of composite end point was 1.21 ( p = 0, 32 ) , when compared between the group given calcium with a group given a placebo.
From the above results in mind that this study clearly shows that there is a relationship between the provision of calcium with the number of cardiovascular events .But this problem needs to be viewed with caution before making any decision related to calcium supplementation .Added further by the editors that the results of this study difficult to interpret , since there are several weaknesses in the research that ultimately led to higher yields in the calcium group

Previous studies that have been done is in the UK , Australia and the United States .With the research in New Zealand as a study to - 4 , seen a trend that linked heart attacks with calcium supplementation .The results of this study raise awareness on the incidence of IM in postmenopausal women who received calcium supplements .
In addition, the researchers reminded of the importance of age factor .Age women who follow research in New Zealand is very old ( average age 70 years ) , as well as female patients in the study in Australia .Women who follow research in America and Britain 10 years younger .There is a trend of increased cardiovascular events stronger in the group of older women , so there is a presumption that the use of calcium in patients younger women more secure , than that of calcium in the older age groups .
If now, why calcium can increase the rate of cardiovascular kajadian? It is estimated that a high calcium intake, especially if intravenous calcium administration can accelerate the settlement of calcium in the blood vessel wall. If patients already suffering from heart disease, the addition of calcium is considered to increase cardiovascular events. Conversely, if patients at an advanced age, but has a good coronary arteries, calcium is considered not giving sulplemen will provide significant problems. But even this opinion has not been proven with certainty.
In this study proved that calcium supplements can prevent osteoporosis .Giving a dose of 500 mg of calcium is not as strong as 1 mg to prevent osteoporosis , but has a safer profile .For patients who already suffer from osteoporosis is recommended to be treated with specific drugs to treat osteoporosis and do not rely on calcium supplements alone .
Furthermore, Dr. Reid and colleagues have a number of plans to investigate this further .They also completed a study involving male patients , younger , by observing calcium in the coronary arteries .In addition they plan to create a meta-analysis involving research has been done ( in New Zealand ) with research that has been done in Britain , the United States and Australia .
Conclusion :
According to research conducted in New Zealand and supported by several studies sebelimnya conducted in the United States , Australia , and England , giving calcium supplements ( 1 gram ) in patients with post- menopausal women increases the risk of cardiovascular events .
Before there was an explanation and definitive results on this , patients given calcium supplements by their doctors are encouraged to continue consumption of calcium supplements .
Patients who already suffer from osteoporosis are encouraged to not rely on calcium supplements , but receive specific therapy for osteoporosis in addition to calcium supplements .
However, further research has been conducted involving patients with a younger man , while the meta - analysis between studies ever undertaken is being discussed .

Thursday, May 19, 2011


What is Arthritis ?

Arthritis is inflammation in one or more of the joints of the body which is usually followed by pain and stiffness,  especially in the morning or after exercise. Early symptoms are usually the swelling so that members of certain body can not function normally. Joints that become inflamed are also generally make noise when moved.

Types of arthritis
Arthritis has many types, including the most common are osteoarthristis and rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Osteoarthristis
Osteoarthristis a joint disorders the most common and is a chronic disease that attacks the cartilage and surrounding tissues. Early symptoms are usually pain , stiffness and loss of joint function. Osteoarthristis often caused by aging, but can also be experienced by those who are young, mainly because of injury, infection, or a heavy burden of work or exercise.
  • Rheumathoid arthristis
This type of arthritis attacks the lining of the joints causes pain, stiffness, swelling and joint damage. Inflammation in the joints of this type most often found on the hands and the legs, and occurred simultaneously on both sides of the body.
Rheumathoid arthristis occurs when the immune system is not functioning properly. Our immune system, it turned to attack the joints and bones, and can invade other organs, usually in conjunction with lupus disease.

Arthritis Symptoms
Symptoms of arthritis will vary depending on its type, but arthritis had a common symptom, namely :

  • Joint pain and swelling
  • Stiffness particularly in the mornings
  • The feeling of warmth around a joint
  • Redness of skin around a joint
  • Inability to move the joint easily
In severe arthritis, limitation of motion will appear on the painful joint. Body will try to improve, but improvement is happening, it was a cause swollen joints and uneven growth, which raises the sound when moved

Some of the causes for the breakdown of the cartilage, and the subsequent inflammation of the joints can be:
  • Broken bone
  • Infection in the area (usually caused by either bacteria or viruses) 
  • An autoimmune disease (this is where the body attacks itself because the immune system perceives a certain body part to be foreign) 
  • General wear and tear on joints (possibly from old age, over exercise etc.) 
The early stages of any of these causes are vitally important for treatment to be commenced immediately so that the sufferer from arthritis is given the best possible chance for the inflammation to go away and it often does. If the inflammation does not go away, there may be destruction resulting in long-term pain and deformity. This is called chronic arthritis. 

see also : calcium supplement


Measuring Bone Density

As with other body parts, bone also undergo a process of metabolism, the formation of new bone tissue and the destruction of the old network. If this process is disrupted, then one consequence is a reduced bone density. The edges are easily broken bones .
This examination is relatively easy and low radiation. Both kinds of X-rays are fired through the bone. Well , from the measurement and comparison of these two types of X-ray bone density is determined .
Typically , DEXA examination conducted at two places, namely the thighs and spine 
The people who should have a bone density is: 

  • Ever person fractures
  • Type 1 diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease, or family history of osteoporosis in
  • Women who are very tall or very thin
  • Having a family history ( mother ), a broken thigh bone
  • Disturbance hipertirodisme or hyperparathyroidism
  • Using certain medicines such as corticosteroids ( dexamethasone , prednisone ) , anti- seizure medications ( Dilantin , barbiturates )
  • Having a smoking habit
  • Menopausal women and not taking estrogen pills

Relationship of Calcium and Bone Density

Calcium is needed for normal growth and development of the body frame.vStarting at age 50 in men and the time of menopause in women, bone balance becomes negative and lost bone from around the framework. A positive calcium balance is needed before bone growth occurs. Calcium intake and bone formation determine calcium balance during growth. In general, within the framework of calcium stored in bones.
Calcium intake affects peak bone mass attainment and this substance is also well able to maintain calcium skeleton throughout life. Calcium is an essential nutrient, which involves very many metabolic processes and provide mechanical strength to bones and teeth. Negative calcium homeostasis caused by lack of food intake, poor absorption or excessive spending that lead to loss of calcium from bone and can further increase the incidence of fractures. In addition to adequate amounts of calcium in the food consumed, the absorption of calcium from foods is also an important factor that determines the calcium to build and maintain bone. Intervention studies and cross-sectional study has reported a positive effect of calcium on bone mass of children and adolescents. The results showed that increasing calcium intake may be associated with increased bone mass around

Natural ways to increase bone density
Peak bone mass is achieved when a person aged 30 years. After that, bone mass will decline, even decline increased to 5 percent per year after menopause. For it did not happen, try the following steps to help maintain bone density.
  • Calcium Supplements; Supplements are an easy way to increase your calcium intake, but some reports suggest that you might not need it. To maximize the absorption of calcium supplements, take no more than 500 milligrams at one time. Most calcium supplements should be taken with meals, however, calcium citrate and calcium Malate can be taken anytime.
  • Strength training; to help strengthen, bones need activities that involve the beat or force. Try performing the beat of high activity such as jogging, aerobics, or jump rope.
  • Foods that contain more carotene; carotenoids, the antioxidant pigment found in yellow vegetables, orange, red, and dark green, helps get rid of age - related decline in bone.
  • Milk; Calcium is the basis for strong bones. Of the 50 young adults need 1000 milligrams per day, and more than 50 people should get 1200 milligrams per day. Undoubtedly Pop star from the source of calcium is milk. 8 - ounce glass of milk,  whether skim, low fat, or whole, has about 300 milligrams of calcium.
  • Sun Rays; sunlight is not technically a food. The body produces vitamin D in response to sunlight. Although milk is often fortified with vitamin D, 8 - ounce glass of milk is usually not enough to maximize the absorption of calcium .
  • Beans and Grains; Like Almonds, pistachios, and sunflower seeds are all high in calcium. Nuts also contain protein and other nutrients that support and play a role in building strong bones.
  • Chinese Cabbage; You may be surprised to learn that there are a lot of calcium in certain vegetables. Half cup Chinese cabbage provides the same calcium with 8 - ounce glass of milk. One cup of turnip green (sort of Chinese radish), offering 200 milligrams of calcium. While spinach and broccoli contain several types of calcium, you should get some portion of which is close to what is found in milk
  • Chicken claw; Hydroxyapatite, is food for bone, bone derived from animals such as chickens, horses, cows, or goats. Logically, it is the right food to the bone is bone.
  • Lifting Training Expenses; The result is that your body will put more bone material, and your bones become dense. Lively walking, dancing, tennis, yoga and all that has been shown to benefit your bones 


What is Osteoporosis ?
Osteoporosis is a condition in which low bone mass and bone tissue damage in. In osteoporosis, decreased bone quality and quantity of bone density. Both of them are very determine bone strength, so patients with Osteoporosis, easily fractured bones
In the United States, 44 million people have very low bone density. Of this amount, approximately 55 % aged 55 years and older.
More women who suffer from osteoporosis than men, One in Two white women will have osteoporosis in their lives

How characteristic feature of patients with osteoporosis ?
for several decades, Osteoporosis does not cause any symptoms. However, if bone density is reduced, so that bones become collapsed or destroyed, there will be bone pain and deformity.

Causes and types of osteoporosis
osteoporosis have several different types with different causes
  • Postmenopausal Osteoporosis:
the cause is due to estrogen deficiency (the main female hormone). These hormones help regulate the spread of calcium into the spine, Usually the symptoms begin to occur in women aged 51-57 years, but can appear faster or slower.
Not all women have the same ratio. White women and in the eastern region more easily suffer from this disease than black women
  • Senilis Osteoporosis:
This disease is probably due to calcium deficiency related to the age factor and the imbalance between the rate of bone destruction and new bone formation. This disease usually occurs at the age above 70 years and two times more frequent in women. At least, 5 % of patients with osteoporosis, also suffer from senilis osteoporosis, which caused a medical condition or by drug. Excessive alcohol drinkers and smokers could exacerbate this situation

  • Juvenil Idiopatik Osteoporosis :
This disease is a type of osteoporosis that the cause is unknown. This type of osteoporosis, occurs in children and adolescents who actually had higher levels of vitamins and normal hormone function.

How to prevent and treat osteoporosis ?
The main purpose of prevention and treatment of osteoporosis is to increase bone mass and strength. Prevention and treatment of osteoporosis by means setting some foods, quit smoking and drinking alcohol, exercising regularly, eating enough calcium and vitamin D, treatment by replacing estrogen in menopausal women taking the drug and which serves to reduce the process of bone thinning, such as aledronate, etidronate or calcitonin.
aledronate has several functions, to reduce the rate of bone absorption in women after menopause, increases bone mass in the spine and pelvis, and reducing the incidence of fractures.
so well absorbed , aledronate must be taken with a glass of water in the morning and within 30 minutes, do not eat or drink again.
aledronate can irritate the lining of the digestive tract, so that after drinking aledronate, should not lie down for at least 30 minutes. This drug also should not be given to those who have difficulty swallowing food or have a disease in the esophagus channel.
calcitonin is recommended given to people who suffer from vertebral fractures and accompanied by pain .This drug can be given in the form of an injection or nasal spray on.
Men who suffer from osteoporosis usually get extra calcium and vitamin D, especially if the results of the examination showed that his body can not absorb enough calcium in a number of distinguished sufficient.
Fractures due to osteoporosis should be treated. Hip fractures are usually treated with surgery. Wrist fractures usually wear a cast or if severe surgery. On the back bone loss accompanied by a very sore back pain, given pain medication, fitted supportive back brace and physical therapy.

see also : Calcium Supplement

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Whether Calcium is it?

Calcium is the most organic substances contained in the human body. Normally, calcium content is 1.5 % to 2.2% of body weight, this is around 700 grams to 1400 grams. Approximately 99 % of calcium is contained in bones and teeth , the rest scattered in the blood vessels. Calcium scattered inside and outside the cells throughout the body, and influential in many aspects of life.

Whether the Function of Calcium for the Body?
Calcium is the regulatory body of life activity and assist in the physiological function of human growth , from children to old age. Calcium is an important element that should not be less to ensure a healthy body and longevity.
Wallach doctor 's opinion, the function of calcium is
  1. Structural as stores in the skeleton
  2. Electrophysiological - carries charge during an action potential across membranes
  3. Intracellular regulator, 
  4. As a cofactor for extracellular enzymes and regulatory proteins.

    What Happens when the Body Lacks Calcium ?
    Calcium deficiency can cause symptoms such as :
    • In pregnancy : back pain, tension, weakness, nausea, and insomnia
    • Period to give breast milk : toothache, back pain, osteoporosis and brittle bones
    • Infancy : impaired growth, decreased immunity, easily hurt, poor bone growth, tooth decay and eye minus
    • Adult : muscle cramps, insomnia, abnormal heart beats, and back pain
    However, the most dangerous of calcium deficiency is osteoporosis, which is the condition of porous bone. According to WHO, osteoporosis is the second killer disease, after a blood vessel disease. It is often referred to as the silent killer.
    If  we have osteoporosis, then more than 100 kinds of diseases are ready to get into our bodies, such as heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes,  etc. Therefore, it is important to keep the calcium in our body needs

    Who is more prone to calcium deficiency ?

    There are three groups of people which is prone to calcium deficiency
    1. Baby
    2. Pregnant women
    3. Old men 
    In infancy, the main source of calcium is from brest milk. After that, then he needs to get a supply of calcium supplement. Calcium deficiency in infancy or children, would lead to impaired bone growth.
    Pregnant women and nursing mothers also need a calcium supplement , this is associated with calcium from the mother's body that  needed by baby. If not given a calcium supplement intake, the body will be supplied calcium sourced from maternal spine from the mother. As a result , after giving birth , back pain symptoms, even if at times like this too much calcium is released, then in old age tend to have osteoporosis.
    Function decreased absorption of calcium in the elderly

    How Much Calcium is Needed Every Day ?

    Calcium needs of each person is different, depending on gender, age, and  body condition. Pregnant women need more calcium per day. Growing children is also different.
    Children need calcium around 500-800 mg. Adults every day needs about 1000 - 1300 mg of calcium. Pregnant and lactating women need about 1500 - 2000 mg calcium

    Calcium Source
    There are many ways in which to get the calcium intake .Here is the source of calcium that can be obtained each day

    • Milk

    Drinking milk is the easiest way to get calcium every day, but if you have a problem with drinking milk, fear of fat, you can choose low - fat milk or drinking soy milk

    • Snack

    There are so many snacks contain high calcium, such as yogurt, pudding, or other desserts
    • Main Meal
    Extra cheese in the main food can also be a source of calcium. For example, mozzarella cheese, ricotta, and parmesan, which is easily added to a main meal such as pasta . Start your day by adding the cheese in your omelets or scrambled eggs.
    • Green Food
    Green leafy vegetables are good sources of calcium, but the problem is the calcium in vegetables is not too readily absorbed than milk.Try to combine your vegetable intake by combining spinach or lettuce
    This is the easiest way to get enough calcium every day for your body, if you feel the food you choose will be less calcium intake. At the drug store, there are so many calcium supplement with a wide range of variation. But, you should be able to choose a suitable calcium supplement for your needs.

    Food Sources of Calcium:

    Dairy Foods
    calcium (mg)
    Milk, with added calcium
    1 cup
    Milk, whole, 2%, 1% skim
    1 cup
    Milk, evaporated
    1/2 cup
    Cheese, hard
    50 gm
    360 (average)*
    Processed cheese spread
    4 Tbsp
    Cheese, processed slices
    50 gm
    Cottage cheese, 1 or 2%
    2 cups
    Cottage cheese, <0.1%
    2 cups
    Yogurt, plain
    3/4 cup
    290 (average)*
    Yogurt, fruit bottom
    3/4 cup
    233 (average)*
    Frozen yogurt, soft serve
    1 cup
    Ice cream
    1 cup
    *calcium content varies, check label
    Beans and Bean Products
    calcium (mg)
    Tofu, medium firm or firm, made with calcium sulphate
    150 gm
    Tofu, firm, made with calcium sulphate and magnesium chloride
    150 gm
    White beans
    3/4 cup
    Navy beans
    3/4 cup
    Black turtle beans
    3/4 cup
    Pinto beans, chickpeas
    3/4 cup
    Nuts and Seeds
    calcium (mg)
    Tahini (sesame seed butter)
    2 Tbsp
    Almonds, dry roast
    1/4 cup
    Almond butter
    2 Tbsp
    Sesame seed kernels, dried
    1/4 cup
    Meats, Fish, and Poultry
    calcium (mg)
    Sardines, Atlantic, canned with bones
    75 gm
    Sardines, Pacific, canned with bones
    75 gm
    Salmon, canned with bones
    75 gm
    calcium (mg)
    1 med
    Oats, instant, regular, no sugar added
    1 pouch
    Non Dairy Drinks
    calcium (mg)
    Fortified rice or soy beverage
    1 cup
    Orange juice fortified with calcium and vitamin D
    1/2 cup
    Regular soy beverage
    1 cup

    **added calcium sometimes settles at the bottom of the container; shake well before drinking

    Vegetables (all measures for cooked vegetables)
    calcium (mg)
    Turnip greens
    1/2 cup
    Chinese cabbage/bok choy
    1/2 cup
    Okra, frozen
    1/2 cup
    Mustard greens
    1/2 cup
    1/2 cup
    Chinese broccoli (gai lan)
    1/2 cup
    1/2 cup
    1/2 cup
    calcium (mg)
    1 med
    calcium (mg)
    Brown sugar
    1 cup
    Blackstrap molasses
    1 Tbsp
    Regular molasses
    1 Tbsp
    Asian Foods
    calcium (mg)
    Dried fish, smelt
    35 gm
    Soy bean curd slab
    100 gm
    Daylily flower
    100 gm
    Sea cucumber, fresh
    100 gm
    Soy bean milk film, stick shape
    100 gm
    Seaweed, Wakame, raw
    1/2 cup
    Seaweed, dry (agar)
    1/2 cup
    Fat-choy, dried
    1/4 cup
    Soy bean milk film, dried
    100 gm
    Boiled bone soup
    1/2 cup