A study showed that calcium supplementation is estimated to increase vascular events in older women. This finding is somewhat unexpected, because previous studies showed that calcium supplements can improve blood cholesterol levels. It tells the dr.Ian R Reid ( Kalbe.co.id - University of Auckland , New Zealand ).
It is certainly very surprising, because the market for calcium supplements to reach 3 billion dollars each year. A study conducted by dr. Mark J Bolland (University of Auckland, New Zealand) and colleagues, aimed to determine the effect of calcium supplementation on bone density. Since the beginning of the study predicted that calcium can prevent heart attacks. But it is surprising that not see a decrease, but increased incidence of heart attacks. The result seems quite robust. Of the 3 previous studies, including one from the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) in the United States, showed that no significant improvement in decreasing the incidence of heart attack after the administration of calcium supplements, on the contrary there is an increasing risk
Many scientists say that it is still too early to give a statement about this. Judy O'Sullivan, a spokesman than the British Heart Foundation said that research should be done more aggressively, before a conclusion about calcium supplements. Any person who has given suplenmen calcium by a physician to provide protection to bones are encouraged to continue taking calcium supplements and do not stop himself supplementation without first consulting a physician .
The Results:
The incidence of IM , stroke , and combined end points are more common in the group given calcium
However, if the incidence rate was hospitalized in New Zealand from the national data centers that are not reported to also be added , relative risk incidence of IM was 1.49 ( p = 0.16 ) and relative risk of composite end point was 1.21 ( p = 0, 32 ) , when compared between the group given calcium with a group given a placebo.
From the above results in mind that this study clearly shows that there is a relationship between the provision of calcium with the number of cardiovascular events .But this problem needs to be viewed with caution before making any decision related to calcium supplementation .Added further by the editors that the results of this study difficult to interpret , since there are several weaknesses in the research that ultimately led to higher yields in the calcium group
Previous studies that have been done is in the UK , Australia and the United States .With the research in New Zealand as a study to - 4 , seen a trend that linked heart attacks with calcium supplementation .The results of this study raise awareness on the incidence of IM in postmenopausal women who received calcium supplements .
In addition, the researchers reminded of the importance of age factor .Age women who follow research in New Zealand is very old ( average age 70 years ) , as well as female patients in the study in Australia .Women who follow research in America and Britain 10 years younger .There is a trend of increased cardiovascular events stronger in the group of older women , so there is a presumption that the use of calcium in patients younger women more secure , than that of calcium in the older age groups .
If now, why calcium can increase the rate of cardiovascular kajadian? It is estimated that a high calcium intake, especially if intravenous calcium administration can accelerate the settlement of calcium in the blood vessel wall. If patients already suffering from heart disease, the addition of calcium is considered to increase cardiovascular events. Conversely, if patients at an advanced age, but has a good coronary arteries, calcium is considered not giving sulplemen will provide significant problems. But even this opinion has not been proven with certainty.
In this study proved that calcium supplements can prevent osteoporosis .Giving a dose of 500 mg of calcium is not as strong as 1 mg to prevent osteoporosis , but has a safer profile .For patients who already suffer from osteoporosis is recommended to be treated with specific drugs to treat osteoporosis and do not rely on calcium supplements alone .
Furthermore, Dr. Reid and colleagues have a number of plans to investigate this further .They also completed a study involving male patients , younger , by observing calcium in the coronary arteries .In addition they plan to create a meta-analysis involving research has been done ( in New Zealand ) with research that has been done in Britain , the United States and Australia .
Conclusion :
According to research conducted in New Zealand and supported by several studies sebelimnya conducted in the United States , Australia , and England , giving calcium supplements ( 1 gram ) in patients with post- menopausal women increases the risk of cardiovascular events .
Before there was an explanation and definitive results on this , patients given calcium supplements by their doctors are encouraged to continue consumption of calcium supplements .
Patients who already suffer from osteoporosis are encouraged to not rely on calcium supplements , but receive specific therapy for osteoporosis in addition to calcium supplements .
However, further research has been conducted involving patients with a younger man , while the meta - analysis between studies ever undertaken is being discussed .
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