Thursday, May 19, 2011


Measuring Bone Density

As with other body parts, bone also undergo a process of metabolism, the formation of new bone tissue and the destruction of the old network. If this process is disrupted, then one consequence is a reduced bone density. The edges are easily broken bones .
This examination is relatively easy and low radiation. Both kinds of X-rays are fired through the bone. Well , from the measurement and comparison of these two types of X-ray bone density is determined .
Typically , DEXA examination conducted at two places, namely the thighs and spine 
The people who should have a bone density is: 

  • Ever person fractures
  • Type 1 diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease, or family history of osteoporosis in
  • Women who are very tall or very thin
  • Having a family history ( mother ), a broken thigh bone
  • Disturbance hipertirodisme or hyperparathyroidism
  • Using certain medicines such as corticosteroids ( dexamethasone , prednisone ) , anti- seizure medications ( Dilantin , barbiturates )
  • Having a smoking habit
  • Menopausal women and not taking estrogen pills

Relationship of Calcium and Bone Density

Calcium is needed for normal growth and development of the body frame.vStarting at age 50 in men and the time of menopause in women, bone balance becomes negative and lost bone from around the framework. A positive calcium balance is needed before bone growth occurs. Calcium intake and bone formation determine calcium balance during growth. In general, within the framework of calcium stored in bones.
Calcium intake affects peak bone mass attainment and this substance is also well able to maintain calcium skeleton throughout life. Calcium is an essential nutrient, which involves very many metabolic processes and provide mechanical strength to bones and teeth. Negative calcium homeostasis caused by lack of food intake, poor absorption or excessive spending that lead to loss of calcium from bone and can further increase the incidence of fractures. In addition to adequate amounts of calcium in the food consumed, the absorption of calcium from foods is also an important factor that determines the calcium to build and maintain bone. Intervention studies and cross-sectional study has reported a positive effect of calcium on bone mass of children and adolescents. The results showed that increasing calcium intake may be associated with increased bone mass around

Natural ways to increase bone density
Peak bone mass is achieved when a person aged 30 years. After that, bone mass will decline, even decline increased to 5 percent per year after menopause. For it did not happen, try the following steps to help maintain bone density.
  • Calcium Supplements; Supplements are an easy way to increase your calcium intake, but some reports suggest that you might not need it. To maximize the absorption of calcium supplements, take no more than 500 milligrams at one time. Most calcium supplements should be taken with meals, however, calcium citrate and calcium Malate can be taken anytime.
  • Strength training; to help strengthen, bones need activities that involve the beat or force. Try performing the beat of high activity such as jogging, aerobics, or jump rope.
  • Foods that contain more carotene; carotenoids, the antioxidant pigment found in yellow vegetables, orange, red, and dark green, helps get rid of age - related decline in bone.
  • Milk; Calcium is the basis for strong bones. Of the 50 young adults need 1000 milligrams per day, and more than 50 people should get 1200 milligrams per day. Undoubtedly Pop star from the source of calcium is milk. 8 - ounce glass of milk,  whether skim, low fat, or whole, has about 300 milligrams of calcium.
  • Sun Rays; sunlight is not technically a food. The body produces vitamin D in response to sunlight. Although milk is often fortified with vitamin D, 8 - ounce glass of milk is usually not enough to maximize the absorption of calcium .
  • Beans and Grains; Like Almonds, pistachios, and sunflower seeds are all high in calcium. Nuts also contain protein and other nutrients that support and play a role in building strong bones.
  • Chinese Cabbage; You may be surprised to learn that there are a lot of calcium in certain vegetables. Half cup Chinese cabbage provides the same calcium with 8 - ounce glass of milk. One cup of turnip green (sort of Chinese radish), offering 200 milligrams of calcium. While spinach and broccoli contain several types of calcium, you should get some portion of which is close to what is found in milk
  • Chicken claw; Hydroxyapatite, is food for bone, bone derived from animals such as chickens, horses, cows, or goats. Logically, it is the right food to the bone is bone.
  • Lifting Training Expenses; The result is that your body will put more bone material, and your bones become dense. Lively walking, dancing, tennis, yoga and all that has been shown to benefit your bones 

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