Thursday, May 19, 2011


What is Arthritis ?

Arthritis is inflammation in one or more of the joints of the body which is usually followed by pain and stiffness,  especially in the morning or after exercise. Early symptoms are usually the swelling so that members of certain body can not function normally. Joints that become inflamed are also generally make noise when moved.

Types of arthritis
Arthritis has many types, including the most common are osteoarthristis and rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Osteoarthristis
Osteoarthristis a joint disorders the most common and is a chronic disease that attacks the cartilage and surrounding tissues. Early symptoms are usually pain , stiffness and loss of joint function. Osteoarthristis often caused by aging, but can also be experienced by those who are young, mainly because of injury, infection, or a heavy burden of work or exercise.
  • Rheumathoid arthristis
This type of arthritis attacks the lining of the joints causes pain, stiffness, swelling and joint damage. Inflammation in the joints of this type most often found on the hands and the legs, and occurred simultaneously on both sides of the body.
Rheumathoid arthristis occurs when the immune system is not functioning properly. Our immune system, it turned to attack the joints and bones, and can invade other organs, usually in conjunction with lupus disease.

Arthritis Symptoms
Symptoms of arthritis will vary depending on its type, but arthritis had a common symptom, namely :

  • Joint pain and swelling
  • Stiffness particularly in the mornings
  • The feeling of warmth around a joint
  • Redness of skin around a joint
  • Inability to move the joint easily
In severe arthritis, limitation of motion will appear on the painful joint. Body will try to improve, but improvement is happening, it was a cause swollen joints and uneven growth, which raises the sound when moved

Some of the causes for the breakdown of the cartilage, and the subsequent inflammation of the joints can be:
  • Broken bone
  • Infection in the area (usually caused by either bacteria or viruses) 
  • An autoimmune disease (this is where the body attacks itself because the immune system perceives a certain body part to be foreign) 
  • General wear and tear on joints (possibly from old age, over exercise etc.) 
The early stages of any of these causes are vitally important for treatment to be commenced immediately so that the sufferer from arthritis is given the best possible chance for the inflammation to go away and it often does. If the inflammation does not go away, there may be destruction resulting in long-term pain and deformity. This is called chronic arthritis. 

see also : calcium supplement

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